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Remove hidden network adapter



After editing IP details and attempting to apply the changes, Windows complains that the IP address is assigned to a previously removed network adapter.


Click 'no' on the warning dialog.

The dialog wording is confused by Microsoft's choice of double negative.

Do you not want to save the edit


  1. To remove the missing card from the registry
  2. Open a cmd prompt (run as admin in later Windows versions)
  3. Enter
    set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
    start devmgmt.msc

  4. Select show hidden devices from the view menu
  5. Expand network adapters in the device tree
  6. Select the greyed out interface
  7. Right click and select uninstall

A reboot may be required to force services to rebind to the correct adapter


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Article details
Article ID: 66
Category: Windows
Date added: 03-03-2015 03:45:06
Views: 254
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (2)

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