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Recreate EFI boot partition


Applies to UEFI/GPT

The EFI boot partition and BCD store may be corrupted following a re-order of partiions.  Provided the Windows folder is not currupted the EFI and BCD are easily rebuilt.


The EFI partition is typically 100MB and is best located at the start of the disk

To create a 100MB EFI partition on disk 0


select disk 0

create partition efi size=100

format fs=fat32 quick


A drive letter needs to be assigned to the newly created partition

To assign the letter S: to the EFI partition 1 on disk 0


select disk 0

select part 1

assign letter=s


To create the BCD and register the c:\Windows operating system

bcdboot c:\Windows -s E:


select disk 0

select part 1

remove letter=s



Reboot windows twice.  The first reboot will probably fail.




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Article details
Article ID: 221
Category: Disk
Date added: 05-02-2024 15:34:01
Views: 84
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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