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Recreate WinRE Partition


Manually resize your partition by 250 MB

  1. Open a Command Prompt window (cmd) as admin.

  2. To check the WinRE status, run reagentc /info. If the WinRE is installed, there should be a “Windows RE location” with a path to the WinRE directory. An example is, “Windows RE location: [file://%3f/GLOBALROOT/device/harddisk0/partition4/Recovery/WindowsRE]\\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk0\partition4\Recovery\WindowsRE.” Here, the number after “harddisk” and “partition” is the index of the disk and partition WinRE is on.

  3. To disable the WinRE, run reagentc /disable

  4. Shrink the OS partition and prepare the disk for a new recovery partition.

    1. To shrink the OS, run diskpart

    2. Run list disk

    3. To select the OS disk, run sel disk<OS disk index>  This should be the same disk index as WinRE.

    4. To check the partition under the OS disk and find the OS partition, run list part

    5. To select the OS partition, run sel part<OS partition index>

    6. Run shrink desired=250 minimum=250

    7. To select the WinRE partition, run sel part<WinRE partition index>

    8. To delete the WinRE partition, run delete partition override

  5. Create a new recovery partition.

    1. First, check if the disk partition style is a GUID Partition Table (GPT) or a Master Boot Record (MBR).  To do that, run list disk. Check if there is an asterisk character (*) in the “Gpt” column.  If there is an asterisk character (*), then the drive is GPT. Otherwise, the drive is MBR.

      1. If your disk is GPT, enter the commands
        $] create partition primary id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac
        gpt attributes =0x8000000000000001

      2. If your disk is MBR, run create partition primary id=27

    2. To format the partition, run format quick fs=ntfs label=”Windows RE tools”

  6. To confirm that the WinRE partition is created, run list vol

  7. To exit from diskpart, run exit

  8. To re-enable WinRE, run reagentc /enable

  9. To confirm where WinRE is installed, run reagentc /info


If creation failed or you do not want to extend the WinRE partition, run reagentc /enable to re-enable WinRE.

Reagentc /disable moves the WinRE.wim file from the recovery partition:/Recovery/WindowsRE to c:\Windows\System32\Recovery. 

Reagentc /enable moves the WinRE.wim file from c:\windows\system32\Recovery to the recovery partition:\Recovery\WindowsRE

Should the the recovery partition be deleted without issuing reagentc /disable the WinRE.wim file be no longer be available on the system and reagentc /enable will fail. 

WinRE.wim can be restored from an offline copy (see assetts\W10Tools).

WinRE.wim can be copied from a running system by using diskpart to assign a drive letter to the recovery partition and using xcopy /H to copy the file to a temporary location.  In the following example the recovery partition is volume 1

diskpart. select disk 0. select part 1. select volume 1.  assign letter=r:

r: cd \Recovery\WindowsRE

xcopy /H WinRE.wim c:/temp/.

diskpart remove letter=r




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Article details
Article ID: 220
Category: Disk
Date added: 21-01-2024 11:03:56
Views: 4619
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (2)

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