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Arduino static class members Article rated 3.0/5.0
Static member variables are shared by all instances of a class.  Each static member defined within a class must be  re-declared and initialised in global scope. The answer is in the memory ...
Arduino WiFiUDP Article rated 2.9/5.0
Arduinp WiFi sheld (official) UDP notes Arduino introduced UDP support for the WiFi with firmware 1.1.0 WiFi Shield Firmware The firmware version can be checked by calling WiFi.version() within a s...
Arduino Wifi Firmare upgrade (win) Article rated 3.5/5.0
Arduino WiFiClient (TCP) Article rated 3.9/5.0
Notes regarding behaviour of Arduino Wifi shield as a TCP client Test Environment Arduino Uno R3 Arduino IDE 1.0.5 Arduino WiFi Shield WiFi.firmwareVersion() return V1.1.0 Test harness sketch so...
Yun user setup Article rated 3.4/5.0
Instructions for initial configuration of the Arduino can be found on the Arduino website  Once initial configuration is complete, SSH provides console acce...
Arduino UDP device control block example Article rated 3.0/5.0
The following example implements a simple device control block (DCB) which is continually transmitted from an Arduino Uno fitted with an Wiznet 5100 Ethernet shield.  A static sequence counter is...
Arduino Processing Sketch to receive UDP Device Control Block Article rated 3.4/5.0
Processing sketch demonstrating receive of a UDP packet containing a device control block.   The application could be useful as a real-time Arduino monitor. Processing sketch /*  Arduino ...
Dynamic Arrays Article rated 3.2/5.0
Problem Create a dynamic array of objects of equal type; E.g. strings, structs. The array should occupy no more memory than required to store the objects.   Method Define an Array class whi...
Read fixed length serial packet Article rated 5.0/5.0
/* MSSSLTD Demonstration only software serial library is only included to allow the code to compile in the IDE */ [pre] include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial serial_pm(1,2);void setup() ...

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