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USBIP Remote usb device sharing


Linux Package

Location of the usbip package varies by distribution.

Newer distros have moved usbip into the mainline kernel within the linux-tools-generic package

Other distros provide the 'usbip' package within their repositories

$ apt list usbip

$ lsmod | grep -e usb*

Should provide more information


Linux Server side

Add the kernel modules

$ modprobe usbip_core

$ modprove usbip_host

#make persistent across reboots

$ echo usbip_core >> /etc/modules

$ echo usbip_host >> /etc/modules

#start the usbip daemon

$ usbipd &

#or uspipd --daemon

List (local) USB devices that may be exported from the server

$ usbip list -l

   -busid 1-4 HackRf

Make a note of the bus id

Bind device to network interface

$ usbip -b 1-4

The device is ready to be accessed by a client

Unbind the device toi stop sharing

$ usbip unbind -b 1-4


Linux Client configuration

Install the usbip package as per the server

Add the VHCI driver to the kernel

$ modprobe vhci-hcd

$ echo vhci-hcd >> /etc/modules

List devices available on a usbip server and attach

$ usbip list -r

$ usbip attach -r -b 1-4


Linux detach device

List attached devices and disconnect

$ usbip port

   - 00 my usb device

$ usbip detach -p 00



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Article details
Article ID: 245
Category: Networking
Date added: 28-01-2025 17:51:14
Views: 7
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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