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mta-sts configuration


Cheat Sheet   TXT "v=STSv1; id=27042401"      A [ip of server hosting policy file]

version: STSv1
mode: testing
max_age: 86401

 (optional) TXT "v=TLSRPTv1;"


Configuring MTA-STS requires the following components.

1. Policy file location

The policy file must be stored on an HTTPs enabled website on the mta-sts sub-domain.  The URI is a mandatory requirement and neither the sub-domain, folder or file name may be altered.  Take care with case-sensitivity.

A valid SSL certificate encompassing the mta-sts sub-domain must be available on the server hosting the policy file.  Keep this in mind when referring to the site with the default domain (*) or CName record.

2. Policy File contents

The policy file uses a straight forward syntax. 

The field of note is the mode field that can be set to none | testing | enforce

The max_age field should be set to a long value.  The minimum max_age value is 1 week (604800 seconds).

Mail exchangers authorised to accept mail addressed to the domain are listed in the policy file using one or more mx fields.



version: STSv1

mode: testing



max_age: 604800


mode: none | testing | enforce


3. DNS records

Two DNS records are mandatory.  The reporting record is optional.

mta-sts.<domain> A | CName -  specifies the location of the policy file URI.

_mts-sts.<domain> TXT - returns a policy serial number id value.  The record should be updated when the policy is changed.

_smtp._tls.<domain> TXT - returns the reporting policy and reporting recipient.




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Article details
Article ID: 237
Category: Networking
Date added: 26-10-2024 19:05:09
Views: 99
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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