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Reset Aldi GT-PM-04 powermeter


The GT-PM-04 power-meter was manufactured by Globaltronics GmBh and branded Greentech.  The meter was sold in the UK on promotion by Aldi.  An English version of the manual is very difficult to find.  To reset the meter and clear the accrued consumption measurements, carry out the following procedure.


Meter Reset

1. Push and hold for 3 seconds, the two buttons

[ Display / - ]  [ Value + ]

2. After 3 seconds the display should start to flash

3. Push and hold for 3 seconds, the two buttons

[ Display / -] [ Set / OK ]

4. After 3 seconds, the power meter will reset.



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Article details
Article ID: 72
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 03-04-2015 05:49:43
Views: 9292
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.7/5.0 (100)

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