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Forget account with long user name


Long usernames do not allow the more button to be clicked in Microsoft Sign-in dialogs.

When a long username wraps in the table cell, attempting to click the More icon to the right (three vertical dots) causes triggers the default OK button action, proceeding to the password dialog.


Use the browser Web Developer toolbox to dynamically increase the width of the sign-in table cells.

1. Open Web Developer tools.

2. Click the Inspector tab and the Arrow icon to the left.

3. Point and click on the sign-in table

4. In the CSS style editor (middle pane),

5. Locate the .sign-in-box class and either increase the 'width' attribute to 120% or increase the 'min-width' attribute to 640px

6. The sign-in box will expand horizontally allowing the more/forget option to be clicked.



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Article details
Article ID: 200
Category: Office 365
Date added: 01-02-2023 15:44:19
Views: 74
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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