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Access to company voicemail box

Solution To access the voicemail system dial 901# from the handset

To access the shared company mailbox
When prompted for the mailbox enter the company prefix and then #
When prompted for a password enter the default and then #

For company with prefix 123 where the pin is set to 123
dial: 901#
voice prompt "....chameleon mail. Mailbox"
dial: 123#
voice prompt: "password"
dial: 123#
"you messages"

To access the mailbox for a particular extension, virtual line users should enter the full handset number, company prefix and extension. The passcode is initially set to the full handset number.

E.g. For handset 123200

dial: 901#
voice prompt: "...chameleon mail. Mailbox"
dial: 123200#
voice prompt: "password"
dial: 123200#
"you messages"

The default PIN can be changed from the handset or via the admin portal and should be changed immediately.

DTMF must be set to out of band to access the voice mail.
Incorrect DTMF setting can be identified by the system not responding immediately to the # key. I.e. if there is a 4 second delay between prompt and response the phones DTMF setting must be attended to.
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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: vDSX
Date added: 21-02-2011 08:17:20
Views: 430
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (32)

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